[Health - Student Life] Information campaign on GHB

There is a rapist's drug in circulation. Don't let it spoil your evening. Let's all be vigilant.
You've probably already heard of GHB or the date rape drug.
Be aware that synthetic drugs may be circulating in the party venues you frequent and may be administered to you without your knowledge (by discreetly pouring them into your drink, for example).
They are colourless, odourless and tastelessso untraceable.
In order to better inform the students of Avignon University, a communication campaign has just been unveiled on the campuses: poster, informative leaflet, anti-intrusion glass protection...
This campaign allows you to learn more about the effects of this drug and how to behave in the evening to reduce the risk of being confronted with this situation and its potential consequences.
>>> Download the information leaflet on GHB

Anti-intrusion glass protection is offered by Avignon University.
You can collect them free of charge at the Maison de la Culture et de la Vie de Campus (room 0W37, Hannah Arendt campus) or at association events.
Unique format!
A standard size that fits several formats: glass, ecocup, mug, can, etc.
Wash it and keep it with you at all times.

How to protect yourself and reduce risks?
- Never leave your glass unattended
- Use a glass protector
- If you do not have one, cover your glass with your hand
- Never drink a glass that has been left unattended, even temporarily
- Do not accept a drink from a stranger
- Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum to maintain alertness and appoint party captains
- Stay in the group from start to finish
- See each other off at the end of the evening and never let anyone go alone.
What to do if you suspect GHB?
- If a 'trusted person' scheme is set up in the evening, contact one of the following people
- If in doubt, do not hesitate to call for help:
15 AMBULANCE / 18 FIRE BRIGADE / 17 POLICE - If you have any doubts about how a party went, or if you have no memory of it, do not hesitate to get tested quickly. GHB can only be detected by specialised laboratories, for less than 12 hours in the urine and barely a few hours in the blood.
Do not hesitate to talk about your concerns to the university psychologists:
>> More information on GHB (Fil Santé Jeunes website)
Mis à jour le 6 April 2023