BACHELOR UNIVERSITAIRE DE TECHNOLOGIE Biological Engineering, Agronomy (Agro)

This diploma is prepared in 3 years, et confère à ses titulaires le grade de Licence. Il est aligné sur les standards internationaux et facilite les échanges avec les universités étrangères. Le BUT GB parcours Agronomie prépare au métier Assistant Engineer in Agronomy. Graduates can work in a wide range of sectors: farms, local authorities and institutional bodies, consultancies, agricultural and biotechnology companies, seed companies, research laboratories, environmental protection associations, etc. Avignon University's IUT is located in the heart of the Avignon region. Agroparc technology park (centre of excellence avignonnais qui accueille des entreprises des secteurs agronomiques et agroalimentaires, des centres de recherche dont l’INRA, le CTCPA, CRITT Agroalimentaire et la chambre d’agriculture). En rapport avec l’évolution de la filière agronomie et le contexte régional, les enseignements en agronomie de l’IUT d’Avignon Université sont tournés vers agroecology (agriculture raisonnée, techniques culturales simplifiées, agriculture biologique, interface agriculture, environnement,) la phytopathologie et en biotechnologies végétales. Cette formation est accessible aux lycéens bacheliers des filières générales (profils scientifiques) et des filières technologiques (STL -STAV).

The Biological Engineering department of the IUT of Avignon University hosts part of the the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE) and its team of teacher-researchers.

The courses are also taught by professional speakers from the agronomy-agroecology sector (INRA, regional nature parks, breeding or phytosanitary production companies, etc).

Research and development projects on food and biotechnology of the future and three internships are compulsory:

- 2 weeks at the end of the first year to discover the professional world

- 8 to 12 weeks minimum of technical training in 2nd year

- 14 to 16 weeks engineering assistant placement in 3rd year or year in alternation

They allow students to enrich their Curriculum Vitae and to better envisage their future and possibly their further studies.

Scientific excellence, close supervision and project-based teaching are the key words of the team of the Biological Engineering Department of the IUT of Avignon University.

Lieux de stage : laboratoires de recherche, entreprises du secteur agronomique, bureaux d’étude en environnement, Conservatoire d’espace naturel

Poursuites d’études : Masters ou écoles d’ingénieurs

General information

Course brochure for the Biological Engineering degree - Agronomy course (GB Agro)

Virtual visit

Slide show BUT GB
Slide show BUT GB Agro

Application on Parcoursup

E-mail :
Tel: +33 (0)4 90 84 38 07
Fax: +33 (0)4 90 84 38 67

University Institute of Technology of Avignon
Jean-Henri Fabre Campus
337 chemin des Meinajaries
BP 61207
84911 Avignon
Tel: +33 (0)4 90 84 14 00