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National survey on professional integration

Cette enquête annuelle est le fruit d’une collaboration étroite entre la Direction Générale de l’Enseignement Supérieur et le réseau des IUT.Fondée sur un questionnaire défini nationalement, cette enquête est envoyée chaque année, au mois de décembre, aux anciens étudiants diplômés d’un BUT deux ans et demi auparavant.

It is thanks to a very strong national coordination, an acute sensitivity of each of the actors and the importance of the follow-up of the graduates that it is possible to set up this collection each year.

This survey is a national steering tool for the IUT system, fundamental for the monitoring and evaluation of each degree. The appropriation of these results by the teaching teams enables the quality of the degree to evolve favourably.

At a time when everyone is wondering how to measure the professional integration of university graduates, the experience of the IUTs provides a valuable basis for developing tools and methodologies.