
Forte affluence au stand de l’IMBE à la fête des Coussouls qui s’est déroulée à Saint-Martin-de-Crau ce dimanche 13 octobre !

Dans le cadre de la Fête des Coussouls qui s’est tenue pour la première fois au Domaine départemental des Aulnes à Saint-Martin-de-Crau, le stand de l’IMBE tenu par Cécile Latapy (équipe PAHIS), Laurent Tatin and Thierry Dutoit (équipe EECAR), IUT Avignon, a connu un franc succès car plus de 1000 personnes ont participé à cette journée.

Merci encore pour votre mobilisation durant toute cette journée !

Colloque sur la Crau et la Fête des Coussouls samedi 12 et dimanche 13 octobre 2024

Samedi 12 et dimanche 13 octobre 2024, l’équipe EECAR de l’IUT d’Avignon, participera aux évènements organisés sur la plaine de Crau :

  • Samedi 12 octobre dans le cadre du colloque organisé par l’Académie des Sciences d’Arles « La Crau, un territoire toujours à découvrir ? «  au Musée de l’Arles Antique, voir le programme ici : à 10h00,  » La Crau, une steppe méditerranéenne controversée » par Thierry dutoit, directeur de recherches au CNRS, Institut méditerranéen de biodiversité et écologie, IUT Avignon.
  • Dimanche 13 octobre dans le cadre de la Fête des Coussouls au Domaine départemental des Aulnes à Saint-Martin-de-Crau :

Au programme de la Fête des Coussouls (toute la journée de 10h à 19h) :

  • Un grand marché de producteurs locaux
  • Des activités pastorales
  • Des sorties nature, des animations et des ateliers pour enfants autour de la biodiversité
    dont entre 9h00 et 12h00, Ré-ensauvager la Crau ? par Thierry Dutoit
  • 20 stands animés par des associations et partenaires du territoire craven dont le stand du CNRS qui sera animé par Laurent Tatin et Cécile Latapy (posters, films, jeux, autour de l’écologie, la conservation et la restauration de la plaine de Crau).
  • Des food trucks aux saveurs locales dont le fameux burger d’agneau
    Un concert, des projections…


Retrouvez toutes ces informations sur le site web du projet LIFE SOS Criquet de Crau

1er prix décerne à Clémentine MUTILLOD POUR la meilleure présentation orale

Clémentine Mutillod, doctorante en troisième année de thèse au sein de l’équipe EECAR de l’IMBE sur l’IUT Avignon, a obtenu le premier prix de la meilleure présentation orale intitulée « Quels sont les effets de l’introduction de chevaux « sauvages » sur l’assemblage de bousiers et ses fonctions écologiques associées ? » (  » What are the effects of the introduction of ‘as wild’ horses on dung beetle assemblage and its associated ecological functions ? ») durant la 14e Conférence européenne sur la restauration écologique (14th European Conference on Ecological Restoration) qui s’est tenue du 26 au 30 août 2024 à Tartu en Estonie. qui s’est tenu du 26 au 30 août 2024 à Tartu en Estonie

Nous tenons à lui adresser toutes nos félicitations les plus sincères car ce colloque comportait autour de 700 participants dont 64 présentations orales d’étudiant(e)s candidat(e)s à cette distinction !

For more information

Le retour du sauvage Sous le béton, le sol vivant de la Crau

Le retour du sauvage, c’est la chronique sonore qui vous accompagnera tous les samedis de l’été sur Marsactu.

Elle raconte comment, dans des endroits de la région où l’on croyait la nature épuisée, le vivant retrouve son chemin.

À chaque épisode, Pierre Isnard-Dupuy vous embarque dans les pas de passionnés. Pour ce premier numéro, rendez-vous dans la Crau, où des chercheurs travaillent à faire revenir la faune et la flore dans des zones jusqu’ici bétonnées.

Podcast à écouter cet été sur la plage ou ailleurs réalisé par Marsactu, portant sur les activités de recherches en écologie de la restauration en Crau.

Pour écouter le Podcast veuillez cliquer ici

Léo ROCHER's thesis defence: Wednesday 10 April 2024 at 2:30 pm - amphitheatre of the Avignon University Institute of Technology (IUT)

After 3 years of work on the influence of grassing between vine rows on auxiliary arthropodswe are delighted to invite you to the thesis defence from Léo ROCHERentitled : "Identification of vegetation parameters favouring beneficial arthropods and associated ecological functions in viticulture: a correlative and experimental approach", which visit will take place on Wednesday 10 April at 2.30pm, within the IUT amphitheatre.

Summary of thesis:

The decline in biodiversity in agro-ecosystems is largely attributed to the rise of modern agriculture. The main causes are the destruction of semi-natural structures, the extension of the size of agricultural plots and the intensive use of inputs. Arthropods play an important role in enhancing essential ecosystem services such as pest regulation and pollination. Vegetation is a key factor in encouraging their presence. Plants provide crucial food resources and habitats for arthropods. To encourage these organisms in agro-ecosystems and restore the associated ecological functions, practices such as the introduction of semi-natural structures are relevant. In permanent crops such as vineyards, such structures can be set up within the plots. In the Mediterranean region, vineyard inter-row management often involves eliminating uncultivated vegetation for reasons of water competition and to control plant species considered harmful.

The aim of this thesis work is to gain a better understanding of how inter-row vegetation can encourage the presence of beneficial arthropods and the predation function, while limiting the proliferation of harmful plant species in Mediterranean vineyards (Luberon, France). Three main research questions were posed: (1) Does the presence of grass cover and its floristic composition influence the presence of ants, important players in the predation function in vines? (2) Which functional groups in the vegetation are linked to the abundance of predatory and pollinating arthropods and the predation function? (3) Does diversified and local grass cover increase the presence of beneficial arthropods, improve the predation function and limit the establishment of problem plant species?

In the first chapter we studied the response of ants to grass cover in 23 vineyards. Ants play a crucial role in predation in Mediterranean vineyards (Luberon, France). We tested the effect of three vegetation management methods on the diversity and frequency of ants: inter-row grassing, partial grassing and no grassing. We showed that the partially grassed vineyards had a greater diversity of ants than the non-grassed vineyards. Grass cover and the presence of perennial plants positively influenced ant richness, suggesting the importance of taking these factors into account in vegetation management. In the second chapter, we examined which characteristics of spontaneous vegetation influence beneficial arthropods and the predation function in 37 vineyards. We found that nectariferous flower cover and plant species richness favoured most groups of beneficial arthropods, as well as the predation function. These results highlight the importance of floral resources and plant diversity in favouring the presence of the arthropods studied. Finally, the last chapter is devoted to a sowing experiment and its monitoring over two years. Three types of grassing were compared: high-diversity sowing, spontaneous vegetation and inter-rows without vegetation. In line with the second chapter, our results highlight the positive effects of plant richness and flower cover on weed control, the abundance of beneficial arthropods and the predation function. All the results of this thesis work converge and highlight the importance of considering different vegetation parameters to favour beneficial arthropods in viticulture.

Tags: Ants, Agroecology, Community ecology, Sustainable viticulture, Semi-natural habitats, Ecosystem services, Arthropods, Predation, Léo" undesirable species

lecture by Clémentine Mutillod entitled "Is the grass always greener elsewhere? The effects of the return of wild horses (Equus ferus przewalski) to the Mongolian steppe".

Photo showing horses on a steppe.

Thursday 11 April 2024, from 1pm to 2pm, as part of the Midisciences organised by Avignon Universityour colleague Clémentine Mutillod (IMBE doctoral student - IUT d'Avignon) will give a talk entitled "Is the grass always greener elsewhere? The effects of the return of wild horses (Equus ferus przewalski) on the Mongolian steppe".

"In 2004 and 2005, Przewalski's horses - considered to be the last wild horse in the world - were reintroduced into their original area, the steppes of Mongolia, in an enclosed reserve covering 14,000 ha. Following an initial monitoring of the flora inside and outside this reserve in 2010, a second field campaign was carried out in 2023, as part of the thesis of Clémentine Mutillod thanks to Avignon University, the Société Française d'Écologie et d'Évolution, the Khomyn Talyn Takhi association and the Takh Association.

A look back at the two months spent on site, between scientific surveys and natural and cultural discoveries.

So come one, come all to attend in theCERI Ada Lovelace amphitheatre, Jean-Henri Fabre Campus or live on theUniversity of Avignon.

To find out more, click here

Reception of Dr P. Valentina CARRASCO CARBALLIDO by the IMBE of the IUT and Avignon University

Photo of DR P. Valentina CARRASCO CARBALLIDO next to a statue.

This academic year, Avignon University and the IMBE are welcoming lecturer and researcher Dr. P. Valentina Carrasco Carballido.

A Mexican national, Valentina works at the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (UAEM), at the Biodiversity and Conservation Research Centre (CIBYC, Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Conservación) in the Sustainable Management for Ecosystem Conservation and Development research team.

Its main line of research concerns ecological restoration with the participation of local communities.

Valentina will be on the Avignon Université IUT premises until June 2024. She benefits from an incoming mobility grant from Avignon Université.

e-mails: and

The wild horses of the Causse Méjean at the service of biodiversity by Clémentine MUTILLOD

Article from the newspaper "la Marseillaise

Ecology researcher Clémentine MUTILLOD (IMBE IUT Avignon UNIVERSITY)

Representative photo of a plain with galloping horses.

 "... rewilding is nonetheless a complementary approach to ecological restoration".

Restoring ecosystems or rewilding: what is the best approach for restoring an ecosystem disturbed by human activities?

The issue is the subject of much debate among scientists and environmentalists.

A recent study published in the journal Biological Conservation in February 2024 provides some answers.

In particular, the scientists compared the impact on grassland ecosystems in France. They compared the repercussions for the environment of the introduction of a wild herbivorous mammal, in this case Przewalski's horse with those of domesticated mammals such as sheep and horses.

In this interview, the doctoral student at IMBE (IUT Avignon) Clémentine Mutillod explains this research.

For more information

The IUT d'Avignon Université congratulates Clémentine Mutillod on this brilliant achievement.