A word from the director
Welcome to the IUT of Avignon University

Our range of training courses is of the BUT (Bachelor of Technology) type.
BUT is a real passport to employment. Our graduates are a constant hit with business leaders.
It is regularly observed that senior technicians or managers enter working life without difficulty.
Their ability to adapt to the professional world and their qualifications are recognised in all sectors of economic activity.
This is due to very clearly stated pedagogical choices:
- University teaching involving speakers from the professional world.
- Small group work, continuous assessment and high level equipment to ensure steady progress.
- Internships in companies or laboratories (France or abroad) and concrete company projects.
- An opening onto management, communication, languages guaranteeing professional development.
Le BUT présente également l’immense avantage de permettre aux étudiants motivés ayant réalisé un bon parcours de poursuivre leurs études (écoles d’ingénieur, écoles de commerce, Master). Les enquêtes montrent que 60 à 80 % des diplômés de l’IUT d'Avignon University poursuivent leurs études.
To facilitate your integration in the best conditions, you will find, documents that you should be aware of. They will be essential for you to know your rights and duties and know how to use all the resources of the IUT. Of course, all staff members will be available to help you with any difficulties you may have.
Mis à jour le 12 February 2025