Paying your Taxe d'Apprentissage

Pay your apprenticeship tax
How to pay the balance of 13% of the 2024 Taxe d'Apprentissage to the IUT d'Avignon
(Law for the Freedom to Choose one's Professional Future of 05 September 2018).
Since 2023, the method of collecting and allocating the balance of the Taxe d'Apprentissage has been via the Nominative Social Declaration (DSN) and on the SOLTéA.
The first collection of the "balance" portion of your Apprenticeship tax will take place in April 2024 via the Déclaration Sociale Nominative (DSN).
Then, from 27 May 2024, it will be via the SoltéA: you can allocate the percentage of your balance from the Apprenticeship tax to Avignon IUT and its training courses.
To find us easily on SoltéA, you can use :
- The UAI code for the Avignon IUT: 0840957J
- Our SIRET number: 198 406 852 00 220
Please inform us by email of your payment to
to guarantee traceability to the IUT of Avignon University.
Your support is invaluable, we thank you very much!
Mis à jour le 25 April 2024