Training & Applications

Bachelor Uuniversity of Technology Genie Biological: Agronomy pathway (AGRO)
Bachelor Uuniversity of Technology Genie Biological: pathways Sciences of theAliment and Biotechnology (SAB)
Bachelor Uuniversity of Technology Packaging, Empackaging and Conditioning (CEP)
Bachelor Uuniversity of Technology Science of the Dons (SD)
Bachelor Uuniversity of Technology Techniques of Comarketing (TC)
The Bachelor Uuniversity of Technology (GOAL), is a vocational university course in direct contact with local companies, which, thanks to the supervision and teaching provided by both teachers, lecturers and professionals in the specialities concerned, gives a large place to practical work in companies. All these ingredients add value to these degrees and ensure their success.
Professional integration is well known, thanks to the implementation of numerous support mechanisms, which take into account the needs of companies and the evolution of skills in the professions. The work-study system offered by these types of training courses makes it possible to meet an increased demand from the professional world for training for middle managers at Bac + 3 level.
Mis à jour le 25 April 2024