Research at the AVIGNON IUT
Only one research unit is currently present on the premises of the Avignon University IUT. It is the UMR CNRS-IRD UAPV-AMU (IMBE): Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology. This unit is represented on the IUT site by four members of the team "Natural and Cultural Heritage Engineering co-directed by Prof. Armin Bischoff. This team includes on the IUT: the PhDs Elise Buisson (MCF HDR), Olivier Blight (MCF), Marthe Lucas (MCF), Christel Vidaller (MCF) and Prof. Armin Bischoff, François Mesléard (PAST) part-time with the Institut de Recherches de la Tour du Valat en Camargue and Thierry Dutoit (DR CNRS), deputy director of the IMBE. Francis Isselin Nondedeux (MCF) from the University of Tours and Laurent Tatin, independent researcher, are both associated with our team. Mr. Hervé Ramone, Assistant Engineer in the Biological Engineering Department, is also available for 10% of his time, to support the research activities of this team. Magali Rault (MCF HDR), head of the team, is also present in the GB premises. "Biomarkers, Environment, Health".)The main objectives of the IRPNC team's research concern the ecological restoration of natural areas degraded by intensive anthropogenic agricultural or industrial use, and for the BES team, understanding the molecular, cellular, metabolic and physiological mechanisms developed by organisms and/or humans to cope with environmental constraints.
The aim of this research unit is to advance knowledge in fundamental ecology via ecological restoration operations, but also to propose new ecological engineering techniques based on the sustainable use of living organisms to restore biodiversity, particularly in the context of the implementation of ecological compensation.

Mis à jour le 23 April 2024