
The University Institute of Technology of Avignon University provides academic knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills. The final objective of the training is to provide students with a reflection on their personality, their professional project and to encourage their learning through practical work, tutorials, team projects, internships or work experience in a company. Ultimately, the training provides skills recognised in the business world, with which the IUT has many partnerships in training, of course, but also in research and technology transfer.

Graduates therefore enter the job market with a solid education, which is highly valued by companies.
With the University Bachelor of Technology, the IUT of Avignon University aims to reinforce the level of professionalism of its students.

The BUT is :

  • a national programme developed in conjunction with socio-economic partners,
  • 30% of local adaptations to better meet the needs of local businesses, associations and institutions,
  • a new teaching approach based on skills and blocks of skills, centred on practical work situations and periods spent in companies as work placements or sandwich courses.

EAS Learning and Assessment Situations

Under the responsibility of a teaching tutor, a group of students carry out a professional project for a sponsor: a company, a professional federation or any other type of organisation. These projects (technical, event-related or humanitarian) are an opportunity for students to work in a professional situation, on a concrete case for which they must show autonomy and initiative. You can propose a subject for a tutored project to the secretariat of the relevant degree.

The courses

Students do an internship in a company for a minimum of 10 weeks during their 2nd year of the B.U.T. and from 12 to 17 weeks in the 3rd year.
This allows them not only to discover the economic world but also to refine their own project. These internships often allow companies to get to know their future employees.


Work-linked training is a teaching method that combines university teaching with professional practice: the university year is divided between periods of teaching and periods in a company or public organisation. The sandwich course provides a solid experience in the field, facilitating professional integration. The student is both a student and an employee.
The third year of our B.U.T. courses is accessible under an apprenticeship contract.